Sunday, November 16, 2008


Date: 11 Nov 2008
Time: 12-1:30
Room: NSH 3305


Andreas Zollmann: Wider Pipelines: N-Best Alignments and Parses in MT Training

State-of-the-art statistical machine translation systems use hypotheses from several maximum a posteriori inference steps, including word alignments and parse trees, to identify translational structure and estimate the parameters of translation models. While this approach leads to a modular pipeline of independently developed components, errors made in these “single-best” hypotheses can propagate to downstream estimation steps that treat these inputs as clean, trustworthy training data. In this work we integrate N-best alignments and parses by using a probability distribution over these alternatives to generate posterior fractional counts for use in downstream estimation. Using these fractional counts in a DOPinspired syntax-based translation system, we show significant improvements in translation quality over a single-best trained baseline.

Silja Hildebrand: Combination of Machine Translation Systems via Hypothesis Selection from Combined N-Best Lists

Different approaches in machine translation achieve similar translation quality with a variety of translations in the output. Recently it has been shown, that it is possible to leverage the individual strengths of various systems and improve the overall translation quality by combining translation outputs. In this paper we present a method of hypothesis selection which is relatively simple compared to system combination methods which construct a synthesis of the input hypotheses. Our method uses information from n-best lists from several MT systems and features on the sentence level which are independent from the MT systems involved to improve the translation quality.